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Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Writer's picture: cyclechatscyclechats

I learned a really big lesson this past week, and so I wanted to share what I learned with everyone.

As most of you know, I got my second tattoo for my 32nd birthday. While yes, I know I am an adult and I make my own decisions, I was still worried about how my mother would react when she saw it. 

I got my first tattoo when I was 21, and because of its placement on my foot, I easily hid it from her for around six months. I will never forget how angry she was when she saw it for the first time. The only thing that saved me from not just being murdered that day was her boyfriend, who calmed her down. With the new tattoo on my forearm, I knew it was going to be impossible to hide. 

So, when she was coming down to Florida to help close up her parents' home and help her youngest sister unpack at her new house, I knew I would see her, so I prepped myself for the worst, knowing that she or my aunt would have a thing or two to say about the tattoo.

As Friday approached, I got more anxious. I honestly was worried that after seeing the tattoo, my mother would just leave or that my aunt would say something, and it would turn into a screaming match. So, Friday came, and my mother and aunt came over, and nothing. 

Nothing happened! 

I even saw my aunt read the tattoo when we were all sitting down for dinner that night. 

I spoke to my husband after they left, and we said it was possible they knew they were outnumbered at dinner since my dad and in-laws were there as well. 

So, the following Sunday, we went over and helped pack up boxes at my grandparents' house. Since it would just be the two of us, my husband and me, and them, my mother and my aunt, I thought maybe they would say something then…but still nothing!

I literally cannot believe nothing was said. At one point, it was just my mother and me, and she came over to me. I thought, “Here we go,” and she just leaned down, kissed me, and told me she loved me.

So, the lesson is learned. 

Don’t fret—it’s not a big deal unless you make it a big deal. This is a concept that I have had a hard time with. I easily imagine the worst-case scenario and get myself wound up about what happens, but here is the thing: We do not know what is going to happen. Life is funny, and sometimes, because we are so worried, we actually make the thing we fear come true. So, don't. Let life unfold before you, don’t worry until you have to. Believe me, I could have saved myself so much worrying if I had just waited to see how the situation worked itself out. 

Love always your Cycle Breaker,



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