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Thank you for Listening

Since this will be my last blog post till the new year I wanted to take a second and thank everyone who has been a part of our journey over the last almost 3 years. I can not believe that we are here, and I am so excited to start this new journey.

This has been a passion project for both Stephanie and myself. We didn’t know what would come of it if we would be any good at it if people would listen, and if the topics we wanted to talk about were something people felt a need to listen to.

We have learned so much over these 3 years. Not all of it was sunshine and rainbows, and to be honest most of it was not sunshine and rainbows. This has been a really hard journey, we have learned so much about ourselves, each other, the world, who we can trust, and so much more.

Putting your heart and soul into something takes a lot of discipline and there have certainly been times when we have wanted to give up. But we continued and will continue because deep down we know that what we are doing is important.

We are so beyond excited to start releasing episodes of the new podcast and we hope you continue to stay along for the journey. We need you, whether or not you believe that is fine, but without you, we couldn't do this.

So, maybe this is where I ask a favor of all of you, please help us continue to grow. We don’t have the resources or reach to keep going if you do not help us get there. If you can find it in your heart to share an episode that meant something to you, reach out to us personally and tell us what you learned, what you think we can improve upon, whatever it is. We need you to get loud so that we can rise to the top because we have been screaming and will continue to scream, but our voices are getting tired and we need to know you care too.

So, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and I will see you all soon.

Love always your Cycle Half,


1 Comment

Zachary Freeman
Zachary Freeman
Nov 26, 2023

I shared the cycle chats business card with 3 new people this weekend.

i appreciate you making waves, I hope you see the ripples soon.

much love and admiration

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