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Podfest 2022

Let’s talk about Podfest 2022…

Emily and I were so fortunate enough to be invited to speak at Podfest. After three or so years of them having to pivot because of the pandemic, this was the first year that it was held in person. When we submitted we honestly didn’t think anything of it. We thought what are the chances two newbies would get excepted to be speakers? Little did we know our passion and love for this little thing called Cycle Chats was just enough to get noticed. There was a lot of hard work that went into our presentation. Many of days and nights having the loud thoughts dictate to us whether it we would be good enough or not. When the day finally came we were a bundle of nerves. I don’t think Emily and I were really able to sleep at all. When the presentation came upon us one of our worst fears happened… The video that we were taking of our presentation was face towards the back of the room. But because of that beautiful theatrical background, Emily was able to run over and switch it back to us. But that taught us a valuable lesson. See we preach that no one‘s perfect and that was a perfect example of our imperfection. When we watch the video back we got to see one of the host of the room smiling big as a house at our presentation. We got to find a genuine reaction at what we were presenting which made us feel that much more confident. Some thing we’ve learned so far at this event is that if you’re not going to talk about it someone else well. So don’t be afraid of sharing your story and if you think you’re not good enough, we’re here to tell you absolutely are. Take that leap of faith and that on yourself. The best is yet to come and we’re so excited to take you on the journey with us.

Much Love,

Your Cycle Half Stephanie

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